2025 Supplier Cog-small

Career Development Skill Set

This skill set is for individuals seeking to broaden their skills in career development practice.  It has application in areas such as school career advice, VET in Schools work, education and training, youth work or human resources.

This skill set reflects the skill requirements for work in career development practice.

To complete this skill set you must demonstrate competency in a total of 6 core units. 

Units of Competency Core/Elective/Group
CHCCOM002 Use Communication to build relationships Core
CHCECD001Analyse and apply information that supports employment and career development Core
CHCECD008 Deliver services consistent with a career development framework Core
CHCECD009 Conduct career guidance interviews Core
CHCECD010 Provide support to people in career transition Core
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically Core

This skill set has been endorsed by industry as suitable for individuals who:

• hold a professional or vocational qualification at Certificate III level or higher in a career development related discipline


• have skills equivalent to the qualification requirement validated through a recognition of prior learning process.

Career Development Skill Set

Enrollment Form

Blueprint Career Development #30978 is responsible for the quality of training and assessment in compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, and for the issuance of the AQF [Australian Qualifications Framework] certification documentation.

Duration and cost icon

Duration and Cost

Students have 12 months from course commencement to complete this qualification. We provide comprehensive support to help you successfully complete:

  • Workshop intensives
  • Online, self-paced live webinars and recorded videos
  • Trainer support calls
  • RPL and credit transfer