Conscious Creating & connecting

Conscious Connecting and Creating

The only accredited program of its kind in Australia!

Express your interest below to learn more about this program and to get a FREE downloadable planner. All confirmed participants will also be invited in our annual Empowerment Retreats. See below for more details.

Conscious Connecting and Creating” is all about expanding our perception and intentionally creating a new experience for ourselves in our internal and external worlds.
When we are our authentic selves, we are better able to enter into, and maintain conscious and purposeful relationships with others. We can also create and harness the mindset and conditions within which we can manifest according to our inner values and aspirations. 
This course contains two nationally accredited units from our Certificate III in Personal Empowerment, delivered over 12 weeks:
  • NAT10860005 Build authentic relationships and foster interpersonal connection
  • NAT10860006 Make empowering choices to manifest potential
Successful completion of the assessment relating to each of the units will result in a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment and a direct pathway to completing the qualification.

Express your interest

Each week we meet on Zoom for a lively 2 hour discussion focussing on a specific topic. Participants are also provided with unit Playbooks, additional video and information links and fun, thought-provoking activities between sessions.
This program is relevant to anyone interested in harnessing their own power to create the conditions and relationships within which we can manifest success and personal fulfilment.
Participants can expect to be surprised, challenged and occasionally confronted as their prevailing personal beliefs and behaviours are re-aligned with their authentic selves.
We suspect that if we’d learned this stuff in school, we may have saved ourselves some painful lessons!

The information, practical activities and exercises are ideal for leaders in education, community support and personal services.  We welcome expressions of interest to become an approved Empowerment Coach and deliver this to your circle of influence.

Cost: $900 (retreat cost not included)
Commences:  Wednesday 22nd January

Participants of all our self-awareness and wellbeing courses are invited to attend our twice yearly Empowerment Retreats at an all inclusive cost price of approximately $300.
